Plants, Thunder & Spirit
I woke up to the bird songs, the croaks of the tree frogs and the pitter patter of warm rain against my tent. It had rained all night long and this morning as we sat on chairs for our morning circle it was evident that the rain was not going to go away for the whole day.
Our morning circle started with a smudge, gratitude and a sing along. We then relocated and settled under the apple and pear trees nearby in preparation for our morning Long Form Meditation. Soon the sound of the drum beat filled my ears and with a command breath and a breath to surrender I was on a journey to meet my focal species.
At the end of that meditation the rain drops drizzled harder and harder so we ran for shelter inside the greenhouse and fell into a long silence as we listened to Alexis and the thunders of the rainstorm intently. Alexis wisely shared stories related to force energy and spiritual energy, it was certainly food for thought.With set intentions we were then directed to go to our sit spots.
The rest of the day flew by. It was filled with overwhelming experiences and lots of teachings about the realms and depths of our personal connections with the spirits of plants. We practiced many more forms of meditations, had more story time and sang songs that replenished the soul.
At the end of the day we parted ways and the rain storm grew stronger and stronger. I watched the trees and plants dancing under the rain.
They seemed happy, as was I.