Since being in Smithers I’ve been out Snowboarding four times. Early season hiking was always one of my favorite thing to do and it reminds me how much I miss […]
Here’s a few shots from the Haida museum at Skidegate. Unfortunately the museum was not open, but we did get to check out some beautiful canoes in the carving shed. […]
Almost forgot to include our walk over to the blow-hole at the base of Tow hill. At mid-tide the water rushes into the rocky shore and comes spurting out of […]
North Beach is a beautiful, long beach at the northern part of Naikoon Park. It is a good walk from Rose spit to Tow hill, especially at high tide. We […]
As we left the Cape Fife area we headed North on East Beach towards Rose Spit. It was a beautiful sunny morning, just right for walking on a sandy beach […]
In Masset, on the northern tip of Graham Island we spent some time talking with local fisherman at the docks and were fortunate enough to buy some fresh crab ‘right […]
After leaving the Haida gathering we travelled north and spent the next three nights just north of Tlell in the southern portion of Naikoon Provincial park. This park takes in […]