The most recent outing with the Earth Tracks tracking apprenticeship group was too much. I can’t even figure out what to start writing about. Maybe it should be about the […]
Atop of a Common Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) plant, on one of the highest leaves, we noticed a slight inward bend to the leaf, with a bit of webbing holding the […]
This past Saturday was another outing with the Earth Tracks Wildlife Tracking Apprenticeship. We went out to the Kinghurst forest in Grey County, Ontario to see what we could find […]
This year I wanted to keep birds in focus and at front of mind in my ongoing learning about wildlife tracking. I wanted to do this because birds are often […]
We had just crossed over from the thick White Cedar (Thuja occidentalis) forest into a little more spacious deciduous forest, when, in a very unassuming tone, Renato called us over […]
Another day with the tracking apprenticeship and damn, was it a blast! Our focus was how we can read the changes to the landscape based on the signs which remain. […]
Scat : Greek skat-, stem of skōr (genitive skatos) “excrement,” from PIE *sker- “excrement, dung” (source also of Latin stercus “dung”), on the notion of [...]
White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) consume a lot of different things. It seems everytime I see some Deer browse, it appears to be a new forb, shrub, or tree which I […]