Plants & Spirits
The beat of the drum was steady and reassuring. Light rain covered everything. Our eyes closed, minds open, bodies still, hearts floating. We walked steadily down the staircase feeling more comfortable as the scenery was becoming more and more familiar to us with each visit. We reached the archway and maybe hesitated for a second or two before going thru it, after taking one last deep breath we surrendered.
Each meditation was different, under the shade of apple and pear trees we got to experience our innate abilities, we got to see a world that we are hardly ever encouraged to explore. We were the architects of our medicine place, we got to meet Bear, Wolf, Eagle and Coyote who are always willing to help, and we also grounded ourselves deep into mother earth as we envisioned our feet turning into stones and becoming part of her bones.
From our medicine place we can travel in any direction and expand into the non-physical worlds, or simply sit still in the Sacred Silence. We can see and experience many things when we allow our spirit to explore from the safety of our medicine place.
After the group meditations we went off on our own to practice and to listen to what the plants had to teach but plants were not the only ones giving lessons that day, animals came and shared their wisdom as did the trees and the water. They all worked together to provide for us in spirit just like they provide for us in the physical world.
Sharing is just as important as experiencing. We listened and learned from one another, each experience was different yet we could all relate to the stories being told. Some were more elaborate than others but they are all equally important, they all carry wisdom.
The skills learned that day will stay with us and can help us in our path, all we have to do is nourish them so they can grow. These skills are like a little potted plant inside your home, you water and feed this plant so it can grow until one day it is big enough to be planted outside where we can all share and benefit from its fruits.
We gave thanks that night to all who came and placed a pinch of tobacco in the sacred fire for all the teachings received that day.