Stewardship Weekend: Part 1
The day started with an extended opening circle; discussing gratitude and how to give back to the land in a good way in a world that doesn’t always reflect nature connected values. The vulnerability shared and the questions asked were thought provoking and emotionally charged; it felt good to discuss the various issues with people who share similar world view. The sit spot after this opening was well needed to further sink into the landscape and recharge for a day of learning and giving to the land.
Our first stewardship project was planting several trees on Alexis’s property; an oak, a willow, a black cherry and two high bush cranberries.
The digging on the berm around the pond was a good work out, the sun was out in full force.
All the work that went into planting is worth it when you step back and can see a baby tree;
set up to grow for decades adding to the biodiversity to the pond oasis which Alexis watches over.
After lunch down the road we went, to a very special hidden spot.
The spot dubbed fern gully for it’s Maddy sized fern fronds! We saw sensitive ferns and ostrich ferns.

And into the forest we go!

Maddy Sized Ostrich Ferns

Sensitive Fern
As we moved slowly, deeper into the ecosystem we discovered a ton of amazing plants!
Including prickly ash, poison hemlock, Valerian, Joe pie weed, swamp milkweed, forget me not, nine bark just to name a few.
The area was full of life and diversity; amazing.
As we approached the river we came across wood nettle. This plant had many lesson to teach us this weekend.
For some the lesson was to slow down and listen to the plant,
for others it was to harvest in a mindful way
and for me it was served as a teacher of keeping my eyes open to the whole landscape as I walk through a place.
The walk through the river was positively magical.
We all expressed gratitude for the water on such a hot day.
As we moved along the river we noticed an abundance of dragon flies,
who were moving through the landscape keeping the misquotes at bay.
During this time we were shocked to find many pieces of garbage in such a special place;
in acts of stewardship we pulled beer and water bottles, barbed wire, styrofoam and a power-sander out of the ecosystem.
As we made our way back to the cars, we traversed through a striking pine grove.
Because I don’t have the words to express the awe that was inspired by the trees here is a photo.
Upon arriving back at Alexis’s home, many of us took a trip into town and came back prepared for a delicious potluck! What a day so full.
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