Twas December 2nd

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Twas December 2nd

Written by Tamara Anderson


‘Twas December 2nd, when all through the house

Plant apprentices made medicines, some with calendula flowers.

The salves were made on the stove top with care,

In hopes that there would be plenty to share;


We learned about the folk method for making tinctures

And the standardized calculation for herbalist thinkers.

With guidance from Alexis, so lively and quick,

“Almost there!”, the cough drop liquid was becoming thick.







When out in the kitchen there arose such a chatter,

Fire Cider was being made with plant-based batter;

Turmeric, cloves, ginger, garlic, white pine and horseradish;

Onion, jalapeño, cayenne pepper, rosemary and lemon zest.

What to our wondering eyes should appear on the counter;

But many tiny jars of salves, syrups, and balms to prepare for winter.

The secret planta gifts were gathered on the table,

The gifts were plant-based, like syrup from maples;

Or small zines about winter weeds made from paper.


And then, in a twinkling, the weekend was done.

Hugs and well wishes to all for making it fun.

Hearts filled with love and gratitude

For the many plants that we used;

And for the people who harvested and prepared them;

May our paths cross again!

Herbal cough drop recipe:


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