Youth Programs
Our programs provide a space for youth to develop deep connections to natural world. Through the power of nature connection, they also develop self-awareness, resiliency, confidence, and leadership skills.
As humans we have grown and evolved through countless generations alongside and often in a symbiotic relationship to the natural world. At Earth Tracks we take pride in being stewards of the land and passing these skills and knowledge on to the future generations. Through curiosity-based learning, play, sensory engagement of the natural world, naturalist studies, wildlife tracking, individual edge experiences, and wilderness living skills we blend modern (scientific) with ancient techniques to engage students in their growth to becoming the leaders of tomorrow. Earth Tracks provides a culture of nature connection and continuous learning as we guide people to connect with nature, self, and community.
Over the years Earth Tracks has worked with many groups and organizations to create and deliver nature-based learning experiences, including elementary & high schools, universities, scout groups, homeschoolers, First Nations, and Waldorf schools, one-on-one private mentoring clients and many others. If you are interested in working with us, we would love to hear from you. We can design and deliver an experience that will meet your goals and provide a lasting impact on your students.
This year [2015], with 3 other families, I home-schooled my daughter, who is in grade 9. One of the firm commitments we made was to ensure that our teens had one day a week, outdoors, in nature. They were expertly mentored by Alexis Burnett throughout the year, learning flora, fauna, wilderness skills, and self-development skills. No boring lectures, no homework, just sheer expansion of the spirit, heart and mind. It's been an awesome year!
Richard Louv, author of Last Child in the Woods and The Nature Principle has coined the phrase “Nature-Deficit Disorder”, which he defines as “the human cost of alienation from nature, including: diminished use of the senses, attention difficulties, and higher rates of physical & emotional illnesses. This disorder can be detected in individuals, families, and communities.”
Many children in our society today are not spending time outside as previous generations used to. This lack of time and experience in nature is presenting itself in many ways in our society. The programs at Earth Tracks work towards reversing the effects of NDD. By providing direct sensory experience of the natural world and careful mentoring practices, children and adults begin to experience and connect to nature in a deep, powerful, and life-changing way.
Our Nature Connection programs has helped to develop and bring out the following gifts and characteristics in our students:
- Strong leadership and problem-solving skills
- Respect and a deep love for the earth
- Self-confidence, self-awareness and resiliency
- Respect for self and others
- Self-sufficiency
- Recognition of gifts, purpose, and vision
- Curiosity and inquisitive focus
- Development of life-long learning skills
For more information on our powerful and unique approach to nature education as well as to learn about the tools we use to mentor youth, check out a copy of the Coyote’s Guide to Connecting with Nature. This book is a great representation of the philosophy and approach that we take to Mentoring and Deep Nature Connection. You can also watch this video to learn more about the 8 Shields Mentoring Model that we incorporate into all of our programs.
We are also proud to work with and endorse the P.I.N.E. Project Nature Camps for children that take place in Toronto as well as the Huntsville area. P.I.N.E. summer camps offer creative play, exploration, and adventure, as campers work together in small groups throughout the week.